Season 4 Episode 9: Delve Deeper Into.. Marriage with Kudzai Kanyangarara
Marriage. Some get it. Some don’t. Some will. Some won’t.
The topic of marriage is a never ending discussion that seems to be ever complex with no single answer. On this episode, we speak to Kudzai Kanyangarara - a media professional who’s been married for almost 9 years. We seek to understand the male perspective on marriage and proceed to explore the many questions that aren’t always brought up at kitchen teas and bachelor parties.
From cultural pressures to Jeff Bezos, is marriage losing its original hold on society? Why do we continue to get married? What are the implications of choosing marriage? What are the hardest and best parts of the institution?
Delve deeper into this and more.
Keep up with Kudzai Kanyangarara
Instagram: @kudzaik
LinkedIn: Kudzai Kanyangarara
Watch our conversation with Kudzai on YouTube here.
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