S05E04: Delve Deeper Into Dating Around The World With Dr. Wadzi Motsi-Mueller


“It’s an act of revolution to tell your story.” | Dr Wadzanai Motsi-Mueller

And a revolutionary she is. On this episode, we got to sit down with a friend of the podcast, Dr Wadzanai Motsi-Mueller to talk about dating around the world.

What’s the dating scene like in Japan? Or Tanzania? We heard the men in Ghana are foine - is it true?

We had a blast chatting to Wadzi, creator and host of the YouTube series, ‘Dating Around the World’. We chat to her about her inspiration behind creating the series; what she’s noticed to be a common thread, no matter the region, when it comes to dating in different parts of the world; and which countries our black sisters should consider when wanting to open up their dating pool. It was such a fun and enlightening conversation which we hope you will thoroughly enjoy.

Let us know your thoughts!—————————————————————————————

Watch our conversation with Wadzi Motsi-Mueller here.


Keep Up With Wadzi Motsi-Mueller

Instagram: @datingaroundtheworld_wm 

YouTube: Dating Around The World 


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It's Layered

Welcome to "It's Layered"! A podcast by two Zimbabwean girls living on two different continents and keeping their long-distance friendship of over 20 years thriving! Join them as they delve deeper into life, love and all things under the sun because in life... zvine malayers! (It’s Layered!)


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